

It’s been awhile since I’ve written anything for the blog. So I wanted to keep you all in the loop on a few things. First things first. I’m still in the process of writing the final installment to last October’s third L.A. gravecation. In the last article which I have yet to finish. I chronicle my trek to Forest Lawn Memorial Park – Glendale. The article will be a doozy so it’s taking me awhile to write.

The next thing I wanted to bring to light. Is that around the first week in March. I’m going to take the plunge, and transfer this site to a self hosted domain, and then utilize the wordpress.org software. Instead of using the wordpress.com site to host, and keep up this blog. With that being said I’m also going to change the web address of the blog to thegravecastblog.com. This is due in part because I’m trying to rebrand the blog so its more recognizable.

One thing I wanted to mention on the rebranding of The Gravecast Blog. Is that when I get things up and running on the self hosted side of things. I’ll be including ads on the blog. I’ve been approached by several people who cater in various forms to the death care industry, when people pass away. They asked me if I’d be interested in putting an ad on the blog for their business. I thought it over and decided I could earn some sort of revenue for the blog. The revenue from ads on the blog. Could go towards the funding of future gravecations around the country, upgraded field equipment, and the general upkeep of this blog.    

The last thing I wanted to bring up. Is that I’m bringing The Gravecast Podcast back from the dead. Complete with a new musical intro,  on top of more fascinating topics, and interviewed guests.

It’s all good stuff I’ve got planned. So please stay tuned for the new and exciting things.