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I’ve given some thought on the longevity of The Gravecast Blog. This blog has been around for six years. Through those years which started out as a small project to appease my interest in finding the graves of anyone who was infamous, famous, & notable in someway.

This hobby known as grave hunting would eventually explode into a cross-country roller coaster of vacations. Which included documenting the graves of people like Cecil B. DeMille, Bugsy Siegel, and many other Hollywood luminaries. Not to mention rubbing elbows with people who share the same morbid interests as me. Those likeminded morbid friends have since come to be some of my closest friends I’ve had the delightful honor of knowing.

I’ve come to hold the hobby of Grave Hunting very near to my spiritual mind, & soul. Which brings me the topic of this article. It’s with a heavy heart that I announce I’ve decided to take an extended break from working on this blog. Now keep in mind I’m not leaving the hobby, or abandoning the blog. I just need some time to workout some ideas related to another direction I want this blog to go into.

This much-needed break from The Gravecast Blog. Will give me a chance to focus my energy on other grave hunting related side projects. Most notably the “Gangsters In Granite” website, book, and video series I’m currently developing, and trying to get off the ground.

If you’re interested in learning more about my “Gangsters In Granite” project. Feel free to visit Gangsters In Granite.net. To summarize “Gangsters In Granite: A Graveside Guide To Organized Crime” chronicles the graves of “reputed” mobsters in the United States over the last 100 years.

Included in the book will be graveside photos to go with the concise biographies of the “reputed” mobsters. On the website there will be documents like death certificates, autopsy reports, postmortem photos, and morbid things of that sort. To act as a supplement to the biographies in the book, and on the website. I’m hoping that this project will be another method for people to interpret the history of organized crime in the United States.

Keep in mind The Gangsters In Granite book, & website will make no attempt to shed “new light” into the history of organized crime. But will make every attempt that the biographical info I offer based upon my research is truthful, factual, and verifiable. This project is my way of interpreting the history of organized crime. By locating, documenting, & photographing the graves of “reputed” mobsters. I’m just choosing to share my findings with the world.

If you’d like to connect with Gangsters In Granite. Feel free to visit Facebook, or bookmark the official website Gangsters In Granite.